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Suraj Iyer

Who am I?

Professional Page





In Short

‘96 born, Tamil, From Mumbai, Eldest sibling, Dutch national, MBTI: INTP, Software Engineer / Data Scientist

Personal Motivation

I want to make great organic contributions, be a leader, fall in love, be financially free, travel the world, and not specifically in that order. In my free time, I like to explore meditation, yoga, sci-fi books and movies, read about science, technology, universe, psychology, spirituality, and dream up business ideas 💡.

Professional Summary

I bring 6+ years of experience in software engineering and data science. I have researched, developed and deployed machine learning solutions to production in multiple companies. I have worked in multi-disciplinary teams in the past and have experience with knowing what the end customer needs and aligning it with Product Owners. I am passionate about anything data related and am motivated to use data and AI tools innovatively to fulfil business requirements.

The areas I've worked on:

© Suraj Iyer 2024